Miami's Best Dry Stack Marina
Located just off the Intracoastal in North Miami, TNT Marine Center offers high-end dry
storage accommodations, top-tier personal service, and quick responsiveness to all your
needs. The marina sits on Little Arch Creek and is just minutes from the nearest Ocean
access. We offer long-term indoor dry storage, transient and long term wet slip storage,
all types of fuel, a ship store for snacks and beverages, and cleaning services.
Welcome to TNT Marine Center in North Miami
Dry Storage
We take pride in providing our boaters with superior customer service in one of South Florida’s largest dry storage and service maintenance center. With two 22,000lb forklifts and a travel lift for all sizes, we can service a wide array of vessels. Services include
efficient in-and-out storage service, boat washing, engine flushing, and more comprehensive detailing plans based on all of your needs.

Wet Slips
We offer wet slip storage for vessels up to 52’ including high performance boats and cruisers. Our transient system allows you to dock with us for a little as one night as a stop during your travels. Conveniently located within 5 minutes idle from the nearest port, you can be on your way in the Atlantic in no time.